Only the proper materials and level of insulation in a conversion van can deliver the type of thermal efficiency that translates into the comfort everybody desires.

Is insulating a van necessary?

Absolutely. Thermal efficiency will determine not only how comfortable the temperature inside the van will feel, but especially, what the energy costs will be to attain and maintain the desired temperature.

Mobile Health Clinic Van by Odulair built with high thermal efficiency materials
High thermal efficiency in the Odulair Mobile Health Vans

A conversion van will start out as an empty metal box, with bare walls with no insulation in the cargo area. Without insulation, this van would be unbearably hot in the summer and unbearably cold in the winter. High-thermal efficient insulation is not only a need, it is a must-have, an absolutely critical build item. Insulation alone will impact the day-to-day experience of those working in a mobile health van and those visiting it.

What is the best way to insulate a van?

How Odulair does insulation in vans is different than everybody else in the mobile medical business. We do it differently and go to great lengths to get it right because we fully understand what it takes to create a medical space that is both comfortable and suitable for healthcare professionals.

If the inside of a mobile health van is not properly insulated, there will be tremendous energy waste requiring the AC to be working on overdrive all the time while trying to cool down the inside area, or with the heater full blast trying to keep the cargo area warm when it’s freezing cold outside.

Van insulation

Mobile health vans for sale by Odulair are constructed from biomedical-grade materials with seamless interior walls and flooring, and all-around spray foam insulation in the interior, providing best-in-class high-thermal efficiency for low energy consumption. In addition, Mobile health vans by Odulair have 100% waterproof smooth surfaces that are both durable and easy to clean (will not harbor bacteria), as well as being lightweight, therefore allowing the vehicle to carry a bigger payload.

In most RVs insulation is done with a block of foam. For RVs, the typical thermal performance is rated at R-5 to R-7 in sidewalls.

Contact Odulair today. We want you to have the best Mobile Health Van in the world.

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