Mobile Mammography Unit for Sale

Where to buy a used mobile mammography bus, and cost?

We have great news for you. Meanwhile, here’s the short answer: don’t do it. Don’t buy a used mammography bus. Why do it in the first place? The operational costs of any used mobile mammography unit for sale are through the roof! They may be cheaper to buy, but the savings aren’t there. Anyone working 8 hours in a generator-powered mobile mammography unit has higher operational costs. At the current price for gas and diesel, do the math and how much you will save by getting an Odulair mobile mammography clinic. Any used mobile mammography unit available for sale has no chance to compete with the savings the Odulair solar-powered Mobile Mammography Unit can do for you. It’s two different worlds apart.

Here’s what the world looks like with used mobile mammography units for sale


A diesel generator powers the operations of the older mobile mammography units, from the imaging instruments to the AC of the clinic. Having a generator onboard makes the vehicle’s frame vibrate, it’s noisy and rattly, and there will be fumes of fuel depending on how the wind is blowing that day. Generators quickly become the highest maintenance components in a mobile clinic. There will always be something or other that needs to be done to a generator pretty much every day to keep it running. It’s extremely costly to run and maintain.

Here’s the world with new Odulair solar-powered mobile mammography units


We have great news. With the solar-powered Odulair mobile clinics, we generate our own power. And we do it silently, with solar panels on the roof of the mobile medical vehicle harnessing the energy to be stored in the onboard high-efficiency battery packs. An Odulair solar-powered mobile clinic is a one-time investment that zero costs to operate, and zero costs to maintain. That’s money in your pocket.

Contact Odulair today about your Mobile Mammography Unit.

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